Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)
Community Wildfire Protection Plans were authorized and defined in Title I of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act (HFRA) passed by Congress on November 21, 2003, and signed into law by President Bush on December 3, 2003. The Healthy Forests Restoration Act places renewed emphasis on community planning by extending a variety of benefits to communities with a wildfire protection plan in place. Critical among these benefits are the option of establishing a localized definition and boundary for the wildland-urban interface (WUI), and the opportunity to help shape fuels treatment priorities for surrounding federal and non-federal lands. Virtually all communities in the Colorado Front Range are now in the process of updating these plans to accommodate the reality of the catastrophic fire manifestation of climate change. What we see as equally important is understanding the impacts of CWPP actions with respect to other outcomes influencing Natural Climate Solutions (NCS), and see this juxtaposition of these activities as important and innovative climate actions. In fact, we anticipate that CWPP actions may contribute to natural climate solution goals. More about City of Boulder’s OSMP Forest and Fire Management here and here. Consider the issues involved for Engaging Wildland Urban Interface Neighborhoods in Becoming Wildfire Prepared Here.
Create a Defensible Space from catastrophic wildfire around your property with vegetation. Learn what to plant here.
Take Action !
Learn about your home’s wildfire risk if you are in Boulder County or in the Broader Colorado Area.